Solar Power Solutions

With our engineering expertise, Jiko Solar solutions have the most experienced team to provide total project solutions for your captive power needs. It can be your home, office, showroom or factory. Solar projects for residential buildings are your gateway to producing electricity from solar energy on your very own roof and thereby making a handsome of savings in electricity bill.

The attractive design of our installations enhances the appearance of your property, and you will be demonstrating that you are a forward –thinking person and making your own personal contribution to environmental protection – for future generations, too.

We provide also stand-alone systems using solar technology to provide continuous and reliable power to remote site load as our systems are designed for site loads. The systems provide uninterrupted power to the load with a power reliability of 99.5% worst case month based on weather and insolation data specific to the site.

Proven solution: Solar has successfully powered thousands of critical applications worldwide for more than 20 years.

Reliability: Jiko systems allow your equipment to operate where power quality and reliability are a concern or where utility power does not exist in the most rugged environments.

Cost-effective: Jiko systems are cost-effective solutions providing continuous power to critical loads. Our systems minimize set up and installation time for rapid deployment.

Installation flexibility: Jiko systems can be mounted to pole sides and tops, rooftops and the ground. They can also be adapted to towers and other structures. OEM equipment can be housed in weatherproof enclosures in remote locations.